S&P 500 Third Friday to Third Friday Closes Ending in Month, 2/70-4/02:
| Month: | Month: | Month: | Month: | Month: | Month: | Month: | Month: | Month: | Month: | Month: | Month: | Month: |
| All: | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 |
max: | 16.4% | 9.2% | 16.4% | 8.8% | 8.0% | 8.3% | 8.3% | 7.8% | 9.8% | 8.4% | 9.0% | 14.0% | 9.4% |
min: | -14.4% | -6.2% | -6.6% | -11.6% | -5.6% | -10.2% | -6.6% | -4.5% | -9.4% | -10.4% | -10.2% | -14.4% | -10.0% |
median: | 0.92% | | | | | | | | | | | | |
average: | 0.75% | 1.93% | 1.51% | 1.30% | 0.61% | 0.12% | 1.21% | 0.92% | -0.21% | -0.25% | 0.01% | 0.84% | 1.00% |
Avg, annzd: | 9.4% | 25.8% | 19.7% | 16.8% | 7.6% | 1.4% | 15.5% | 11.6% | -2.5% | -2.9% | 0.1% | 10.6% | 12.7% |
90% | 5.86% | 5.91% | 7.53% | 5.86% | 5.40% | 4.71% | 6.36% | 4.43% | 6.21% | 4.31% | 3.47% | 5.90% | 4.52% |
75% | 3.42% | 3.67% | 4.31% | 3.88% | 2.62% | 3.54% | 2.85% | 2.50% | 3.02% | 2.93% | 2.83% | 3.35% | 2.77% |
50% | 0.92% | 1.97% | 0.62% | 2.05% | 0.54% | -0.30% | 0.86% | 0.51% | 0.08% | 0.60% | 0.94% | 1.26% | 1.34% |
25% | -1.57% | -0.07% | -2.28% | -1.10% | -1.72% | -1.89% | -0.60% | -0.31% | -4.11% | -2.29% | -2.29% | -1.72% | -0.64% |
10% | -4.52% | -1.48% | -3.42% | -2.28% | -3.72% | -3.88% | -1.96% | -2.73% | -7.18% | -6.24% | -5.84% | -5.54% | -3.70% |
Month: | max: | min: | Average: | Avg annzd: | 90% | 75% | 50% | 25% | 10% |
All: | 16.4% | -14.4% | 0.75% | 9.4% | 5.86% | 3.42% | 0.92% | -1.57% | -4.52% |
1 | 9.2% | -6.2% | 1.93% | 25.8% | 5.91% | 3.67% | 1.97% | -0.07% | -1.48% |
2 | 16.4% | -6.6% | 1.51% | 19.7% | 7.53% | 4.31% | 0.62% | -2.28% | -3.42% |
3 | 8.8% | -11.6% | 1.30% | 16.8% | 5.86% | 3.88% | 2.05% | -1.10% | -2.28% |
4 | 8.0% | -5.6% | 0.61% | 7.6% | 5.40% | 2.62% | 0.54% | -1.72% | -3.72% |
5 | 8.3% | -10.2% | 0.12% | 1.4% | 4.71% | 3.54% | -0.30% | -1.89% | -3.88% |
6 | 8.3% | -6.6% | 1.21% | 15.5% | 6.36% | 2.85% | 0.86% | -0.60% | -1.96% |
7 | 7.8% | -4.5% | 0.92% | 11.6% | 4.43% | 2.50% | 0.51% | -0.31% | -2.73% |
8 | 9.8% | -9.4% | -0.21% | -2.5% | 6.21% | 3.02% | 0.08% | -4.11% | -7.18% |
9 | 8.4% | -10.4% | -0.25% | -2.9% | 4.31% | 2.93% | 0.60% | -2.29% | -6.24% |
10 | 9.0% | -10.2% | 0.01% | 0.1% | 3.47% | 2.83% | 0.94% | -2.29% | -5.84% |
11 | 14.0% | -14.4% | 0.84% | 10.6% | 5.90% | 3.35% | 1.26% | -1.72% | -5.54% |
12 | 9.4% | -10.0% | 1.00% | 12.7% | 4.52% | 2.77% | 1.34% | -0.64% | -3.70% |
This table illustrates how the market performed, not close-to-close but options expiration to options expiration (every third Friday), February, 1970, to April, 2002. Key points:
- The average month rose .75% (.92% median) with a 3.42% 75th percentile and -1.57% 25th percentile.
- The best month was January (1.93% average), followed by February (1.51% average), then March (1.30%).
- The worst months were August (-0.21%) and September (-0.25%).
- The safest months (highest 10th percentile) were January, March, and July.
- The most dangerous months (lowest 10th percentile) were August, September, and October.
Stochastic of Last 12 Weeks Versus Next 4 Week's Return:
Does the market have a memory? If so, then the relationship of prices to a past price range should predict some sort of regression to a mean, meaning that extremely low readings of a stochastic ( (c - lowest low) / (highest high - lowest low)) should predict future above average returns. As it turns out, this is NOT the case. Knowing where this month's close is relative to the prior 12 weeks' high-low range is useless for determining future price change. If anything, there is a direct relationship, meaning that closes in the upper end of the prior 12 week range predict slightly higher subsequent average market changes.
| Stochastic at close of month: | Percentage Change Next Month: |
n: | 384 | 384 |
Max: | 100.00 | 14.9% |
Min: | 0.58 | -16.9% |
Average: | 61.80 | 0.6% |
Median: | 68.10 | 0.9% |
Sliced data: | | | Stochastic: | | |
| | n: | From: | To: | Avg % change: |
| Min-10% | 39 | 0.58 | 17.20 | 0.45% |
| 10-25% | 57 | 17.20 | 41.12 | -0.06% |
| 25-50% | 96 | 41.12 | 68.10 | 0.58% |
| 50-75% | 96 | 68.10 | 86.37 | 0.35% |
| 75-90% | 57 | 86.37 | 95.28 | 0.76% |
| 90-Max | 39 | 95.28 | 100.00 | 0.78% |
| | 384 | | | |
In fourths: | | | | | |
| | n: | From: | To: | Avg % change: |
| Min-25% | 96 | 0.58 | 41.12 | 0.15% |
| 25-50% | 96 | 41.12 | 68.10 | 1.07% |
| 50-75% | 96 | 68.10 | 86.37 | 0.35% |
| 75-Max | 96 | 86.37 | 100.00 | 0.77% |
| | 384 | | | |
In thirds: | | | | | |
| | n: | From: | To: | Avg % change: |
| Bottom | 127 | 0.58 | 49.95 | 0.40% |
| Middle | 126 | 49.95 | 80.48 | 0.67% |
| Top | 131 | 80.48 | 100.00 | 0.68% |
| | 384 | | | |
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